Month: November 2014

Month: November 2014

a plea for nuance

                      My post-election social media feeds are half-filled with exclamatory proclamations of a country now headed to greater grandeur than it has known, while another half of the updates, statuses and links swear impending doom for women, children and wage earners. We are a bit prone to say things such as, “these are the most divided times” and such- and I am sure there are even numbers out there to back this up.  But I have studied just enough history to know about the civil war and civil rights and…


a plea for nuance

By Matt Mooney | November 6, 2014

                      My post-election social media feeds are half-filled with exclamatory proclamations of a country now headed to greater grandeur than it has known, while another half of the updates, statuses and links swear impending doom for women, children and wage earners. We are a bit…