an update. a list. and a reach.

by Matt MooneySeptember 15, 2010

I have been holed away in my new- bland but beautiful- office searching for great works with special needs kids here in the states and abroad. I thought I would share a couple of the ones I have connected with, for you to check out:

Nathaniel’s Hope (Orlando)
Miriam Center (Haiti)
Maria’s Big House of Hope (China)

Anders has taken to sleeping through the night.
Hazel is talking in sentences and picking up new words constantly.
Ginny is making jewelry and entertaining ridiculous notions of Alabama beating Arkansas in a couple of weeks.
I am maturely calling the hogs while parsing my time between writing and 99 Balloons- neither of which is keeping the lights on. So if I look a little more grey up top, it’s because I am.

We, the Mooneys, are all embarking on helping start a new church. This experience is it’s own blog post, but it is wild and messy and full of mistakes. It is the church, thus it has always been so.

My own passions are being cemented and stirred in regard to 99 Balloons. We are hard at work, with some great folks, in our attempt to:

  • provide respite to special needs families here in Northwest Arkansas.
  • go deeper in our work with special needs orphans in Ukraine
  • provide a replicable model for churches to provide local respite to families as well as engage special needs children internationally.

I go back and forth, many days blinded by the realization of my own inadequacies while other days I choose to see God at work and know I must figure out how to be a part.

Reaching for the worthwhile in life means leaving behind some comfortable pastures.

I have been holed away in my new- bland but beautiful- office searching for great works with special needs kids here in the states and abroad. I thought I would share a couple of the ones I have connected with, for you to check out:

Nathaniel’s Hope (Orlando)
Miriam Center (Haiti)
Maria’s Big House of Hope (China)

Anders has taken to sleeping through the night.
Hazel is talking in sentences and picking up new words constantly.
Ginny is making jewelry and entertaining ridiculous notions of Alabama beating Arkansas in a couple of weeks.
I am maturely calling the hogs while parsing my time between writing and 99 Balloons- neither of which is keeping the lights on. So if I look a little more grey up top, it’s because I am.

We, the Mooneys, are all embarking on helping start a new church. This experience is it’s own blog post, but it is wild and messy and full of mistakes. It is the church, thus it has always been so.

My own passions are being cemented and stirred in regard to 99 Balloons. We are hard at work, with some great folks, in our attempt to:

  • provide respite to special needs families here in Northwest Arkansas.
  • go deeper in our work with special needs orphans in Ukraine
  • provide a replicable model for churches to provide local respite to families as well as engage special needs children internationally.

I go back and forth, many days blinded by the realization of my own inadequacies while other days I choose to see God at work and know I must figure out how to be a part.

Reaching for the worthwhile in life means leaving behind some comfortable pastures.