an update from Ginny

by Matt MooneyJuly 2, 2012

Ginny posted recently on our kiddos- complete with a video performance by every rascal.  Somehow, these little moments captured on her phone seem to provide so much insight on each of them.

I thought I would just point others to it since I found it so fun.  And, if that doesn’t sell you on it, well Lena crawled last week and she documents that.  LENA IS CRAWLING.

If you would have told me that 5 months ago, I would have had you admitted or slapped you back to 1987.  We’re so set on loving her no matter what- that sometimes we can miss the milestones as they pass.  But not this time.  She is crawling.

That little girl whose arms could not bear her own malnourished body is now crawling.  My prayer for Lena from day one was that the Lord would restore what the locusts have eaten- in her mind, body and soul.

He does hear us, you know.

orbit of the mooneys

Ginny posted recently on our kiddos- complete with a video performance by every rascal.  Somehow, these little moments captured on her phone seem to provide so much insight on each of them.

I thought I would just point others to it since I found it so fun.  And, if that doesn’t sell you on it, well Lena crawled last week and she documents that.  LENA IS CRAWLING.

If you would have told me that 5 months ago, I would have had you admitted or slapped you back to 1987.  We’re so set on loving her no matter what- that sometimes we can miss the milestones as they pass.  But not this time.  She is crawling.

That little girl whose arms could not bear her own malnourished body is now crawling.  My prayer for Lena from day one was that the Lord would restore what the locusts have eaten- in her mind, body and soul.

He does hear us, you know.

orbit of the mooneys