NY meet the Mooneys

by Matt MooneyJune 22, 2009

We leave tomorrow morning for Hazel’s first trip to New York. Ginny thinks she’ll love it; I don’t think she’ll know we’re gone.

By way of details, we will be on The Today Show at 8am this Wednesday (June 24). It will be on at 8am in your time zone no matter where you are in the states, or so I am told.

We’ll be placing updates on the twitter account listed in the post below.


  1. Randi on June 22, 2009 at 6:58 pm

    Praying for you all.

  2. Kim on June 24, 2009 at 4:04 am

    I just saw you! I was walking away from the TV and they said, "Up next (some TV talk) family, the Mooneys…" Y'all look good! Can't wait to hear what you have to say. 🙂

  3. Rob and Amy on June 24, 2009 at 5:09 am

    I just saw ya on the preview to the story coming up next!!! Yall look great!!!! Can't wait to watch the story on sweet Elliot =)

  4. Anonymous on June 24, 2009 at 5:12 am

    I have seen Eliot's video now several times and each time I end up sobbing. We have a Trisomy 18 baby girl who just turned 1 year old. I would love to share my story with you and also share some photos' . Do you have an e-mail address I could respond to..I'm kind of blog dense…so to speak.
    My e-mail is jsferree@comcast.net if you are interested..thank you

  5. April Marie on June 24, 2009 at 5:24 am

    Wow – I just heard of your story through the Today show and thank you for sharing your faith with the world this morning. I can see Jesus in your family and it makes my heart happy that others might have seen him this morning as well!

  6. chris mitch travis cana on June 24, 2009 at 5:42 am

    thank you for representing all of us..walking this journey with you in the sorrow and joy, celebration and remembering. Most of all, Thank you for showing the world about the celebration of LIFE. What a great segment in a world where we only think of ourselves and the "best thing for us". Love knowing you guys.

  7. courtney on June 24, 2009 at 6:40 am

    y'all did a wonderful job on the today show today! i love your outlook and that you continue to celebrate eliot's life!

    p.s. looks like hazel doesn't mind the spotlight, either! 😉 what a cutie!

  8. Mommy_of_YaDa on June 24, 2009 at 6:40 am

    I loved it! I just saw the clip of your interview. Thank you for sharing Eliot with all of us. He means so much! Hazel is the cutest thing ever. She actually wanted to answer some question…LOL!

    Eliot, sweet boy, you have a great family. You have made such an impact!

  9. ViolinMama on June 24, 2009 at 6:44 am


    What a fantastic interview!!! God Bless you all and thank you for sharing!!!

  10. Tiffany on June 24, 2009 at 7:41 am

    Saw you and I am amazed at your faith! It is incredible and I remember seeing Eliot's video last year when my friend showed it to me. Keep holding on strong. 🙂

    God Bless.

  11. Deborah on June 24, 2009 at 8:04 am

    Hello –
    I loved your story this morning on Today, and how God has been glorified through Eliot's life. Eliot would have been one on the day that my mother turned 90… I'll lift you up in prayer today and on that day every year, and will look forward with you to "a glorious resurrection in Christ".
    Warmest regards,
    Deborah in San Diego

  12. Anonymous on June 24, 2009 at 9:32 am

    Thank you for sharing Eliot's story. We had a son born in 2002 with truncus arteriosus (cardiac defect) and a 22q deletion. We knew he would die the day of his birth. We were blessed to discover his condition during my pregnancy (it was a twin pregnancy, and his twin Jack is now thriving with enough personality and spirit for 2 little boys!). We created a perinatal hospice to celebrate David's life while in utero and to plan his birth and death so that we could cherish each precious second we were able to share with him. I can honestly say, that, as a mom, I had the most profound privilege of celebrating with God as David was born, and weeping with Him as the veil between this world and the next was lifted and David died in my arms as i softly sang "Silent Night" to him. We need more parents sharing their stores like you — so people realize the incredible spirit there is in these kids — and how they change the world with their short lives. Thank you. I am very actively involved in perinatal hospice and special needs group, as my subsequent son, Robert, was born with Down Syndrome — if you ever want to network with someone in Minnesota. bjdjmom@comcast.net
    With hope, Chris Hesse-Withbroe

  13. Anonymous on June 24, 2009 at 10:55 am

    Saw you guys this morning on Today's Show. You all looked GREAT! I love that little angel of yours, she is so lovely and adorable! She does look a lot like her older brother. Wish the interview segment lasts a little longer 🙁
    Thank you again for reminding us how blessed we all are.

    San Jose, CA

  14. Joan Carr on June 24, 2009 at 10:59 am

    I just watched the today show clip online.I so enjoyed the documentation of Elliot's life. My daughter is pregnant with Johanna who is a full T18 baby and if she makes it to term she will be delivered in the middle of October 2009 sometime. They too because of their faith in the Lord would not entertain the thought of termination. Though difficult and heart wrenching God brings a peace and a joy through times of sorrow. And His ways are not our Ways, but His ways are always perfect.

    In Christ,
    Joan Carr

  15. Caroline on June 24, 2009 at 11:42 am

    I just saw read about your story at http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/31523463/ns/parenting_and_family/ (thanks to Dean Nance). What a beautiful story and testament to the love of parents!

  16. happylexi on June 24, 2009 at 12:03 pm

    I saw your story on the Today show this morning. I'm a live-in caregiver for a wonderful 12-year-old girl with full Trisomy 18, who's lived 12 years longer than expected so far! It's great to have exposure to Trisomy 18 on a national network. Thanks for valuing every day of life and sharing your story. Thanks too for turning your experience into support for other families with special needs children. You may be connected with it already, but SOFT (Support Organization for Trisomies) is a great national networking resource for people affected in any way by Trisomies, primarily 18 and 13, but other variations as well. God bless!

  17. Anonymous on June 24, 2009 at 1:26 pm

    I came in from work this morning and saw your interview before I went to bed. It brought on uncontrolable tears. I work daily to bring dignity and comfort to people with terminal illnesses. I celebrate lives lived daily. I am a nurse at a hospice inpaitent unit and I have recently cared for an infant. We received her with open arms when she was 5 weeks old. She went on to be with Eliot last week. She had 72 days in this world. At her funeral we released 72 balloons. I am so happy to see how you celebrated every day of Eliot's life. That was AWESOME! Thank you for sharing your story. It will help me in the future to help the parents of my patients.


  18. Anonymous on June 24, 2009 at 1:48 pm

    What a truely beautiful story. I have never blogged on one of these but your story touched me so much. I was have a down time right now and your story gave me a sweet blessing. Thank you Elliot for that!
    Patty Richards

  19. meloro6 on June 24, 2009 at 1:54 pm

    I saw you on the Today show,and was touched.My nephew Shawn was born with trisomy 13 this July 5 would be 9 years ago.The doctors gave him maybe 2 weeks-and after 30 times a day of stopping to breath and fighting his way back on Sept 2-just a few days short of 2 months old Shawn died.It was the most stressful,emotionally painful thing we as a family have gone through and at the same time I would'nt take back a minute we had to spend with him.The las time I saw Shawn I told him the we loved him and that it was okay for him to go-I just wanted him to be at peace.The following year Mark and his wife Tammy were pregnant again with another son Kaleb and after amnio found out that he as healthy-but at 7.5 months gestation Kaleb kept turning the same way in Tammy's belly and shut of his air supply.Nov 2,2001 Mark and tammy found out that Kaleb had died and on Nov 5th he was born.At KAlebs funeral I held him and told him that his older brother Shawn was waiting for him. Not long after kaleb's death Mark and Tammy got divoreced-the marriage couldn't take the grief.Tammy has since remarried and had a girl-our niece and my brothe Mark single,but just now can talk about the boys-he is still stuck in the stage of "angry".The boys truly were a gift from God and I wouldn't change a minute we got to spend with either of them.My husband and I and four children every year on the boys birthday send out to heaven the same amount of balloons that they are.So this July Shawn will get 9 balloons sent to heaven.My oldest Terren has always said that the boys are playing together with the balloons in heaven-so I would like to think that maybe your Eliot will be playing with them in heaven this year.After the boys died it made us realize how blessed we were to have 4 healthy beautiful children-I am happy you have been blessed again and have your daughter.May God always bless your family.

  20. actingqueen334 on June 24, 2009 at 4:51 pm

    Hello. I saw on the Today show when you came out of the building (I was the one waving like crazy and thanks for waving back, even Hazel tried to wave!) Today was the first time hearing you son's story and I found it very moving I was tearing while I was standing outside. But it was great seeing you guys.

    God bless your family ,

  21. Anonymous on June 24, 2009 at 5:50 pm

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful story. This evening I watched your taped segment from this morning's Today Show and walked away with uncontrollable tears. It made me want to pick up my little man and never let go.

    Your celebration of life is very admirable, and I hope you recognize that you are truly pillars of strength.

    How lucky your children are to have you as loving parents and role models. I'm certain Eliot would say the same…

  22. Randi on June 24, 2009 at 6:35 pm

    Nice job…Hazel is lovely. I am so proud of all 4 of you.

  23. Anonymous on June 24, 2009 at 7:58 pm

    I didn't know your story until this morning as I was getting dressed. I was watching the Today Show, which I never get a chance to watch. I heard your story and ran into the room and backed up the show to see all of it. I was mesmerized by the strength both of you had. I love your family for what you did for your son. Not many people could do such an ingenious thing so quickly and everyday for that long. I pray that if ever I'm faced with such tragedy, that I will see it as a triumph as well. Thank you for opening my eyes to doing what you have to for the ones you love.

  24. Lisa on June 25, 2009 at 7:25 am

    I saw your story and my stomach dropped. I taped it to share with my husband. We lost our little girl, Savannah, to Trisomy 18 after 42 days. At her funeral, we passed out forget me nots for friends and family to plant. Our stories are almost identical, except we did not know our daughter had this disorder before she was born. Watching her slowly pass away still haunts me. I miss her everyday! we too have a little spitfire at home. She is turning 2 this summer. Thanks for sharing! I feel that we are connected by our angels in Heaven.

  25. angelabarton on June 27, 2009 at 4:56 pm

    Randomly clicked on your blog again today and saw the post about The Today show. I looked you all up and watched the segment you all did on the show. It brought tears to my eyes. Nice to see you all and to see how big and beautiful Hazel is! I know we don't know each other, but your story is inspirational and I admire your courage, strength and your love for your children. I have one of Eliot's necklaces that you made, and many people have commented on it, and I tell them the story. Many, many blessings to you and your family!
    Angela Barton

  26. *pab on July 20, 2009 at 10:51 am

    Hello – I first heard of Eliot's story during your appearance on the Today Show. I have, and continue to, read your blog(s), and I am inspired by your faith, and your perspective. Thank you!

We leave tomorrow morning for Hazel’s first trip to New York. Ginny thinks she’ll love it; I don’t think she’ll know we’re gone.

By way of details, we will be on The Today Show at 8am this Wednesday (June 24). It will be on at 8am in your time zone no matter where you are in the states, or so I am told.

We’ll be placing updates on the twitter account listed in the post below.


  1. Randi on June 22, 2009 at 6:58 pm

    Praying for you all.

  2. Kim on June 24, 2009 at 4:04 am

    I just saw you! I was walking away from the TV and they said, "Up next (some TV talk) family, the Mooneys…" Y'all look good! Can't wait to hear what you have to say. 🙂

  3. Rob and Amy on June 24, 2009 at 5:09 am

    I just saw ya on the preview to the story coming up next!!! Yall look great!!!! Can't wait to watch the story on sweet Elliot =)

  4. Anonymous on June 24, 2009 at 5:12 am

    I have seen Eliot's video now several times and each time I end up sobbing. We have a Trisomy 18 baby girl who just turned 1 year old. I would love to share my story with you and also share some photos' . Do you have an e-mail address I could respond to..I'm kind of blog dense…so to speak.
    My e-mail is jsferree@comcast.net if you are interested..thank you

  5. April Marie on June 24, 2009 at 5:24 am

    Wow – I just heard of your story through the Today show and thank you for sharing your faith with the world this morning. I can see Jesus in your family and it makes my heart happy that others might have seen him this morning as well!

  6. chris mitch travis cana on June 24, 2009 at 5:42 am

    thank you for representing all of us..walking this journey with you in the sorrow and joy, celebration and remembering. Most of all, Thank you for showing the world about the celebration of LIFE. What a great segment in a world where we only think of ourselves and the "best thing for us". Love knowing you guys.

  7. courtney on June 24, 2009 at 6:40 am

    y'all did a wonderful job on the today show today! i love your outlook and that you continue to celebrate eliot's life!

    p.s. looks like hazel doesn't mind the spotlight, either! 😉 what a cutie!

  8. Mommy_of_YaDa on June 24, 2009 at 6:40 am

    I loved it! I just saw the clip of your interview. Thank you for sharing Eliot with all of us. He means so much! Hazel is the cutest thing ever. She actually wanted to answer some question…LOL!

    Eliot, sweet boy, you have a great family. You have made such an impact!

  9. ViolinMama on June 24, 2009 at 6:44 am


    What a fantastic interview!!! God Bless you all and thank you for sharing!!!

  10. Tiffany on June 24, 2009 at 7:41 am

    Saw you and I am amazed at your faith! It is incredible and I remember seeing Eliot's video last year when my friend showed it to me. Keep holding on strong. 🙂

    God Bless.

  11. Deborah on June 24, 2009 at 8:04 am

    Hello –
    I loved your story this morning on Today, and how God has been glorified through Eliot's life. Eliot would have been one on the day that my mother turned 90… I'll lift you up in prayer today and on that day every year, and will look forward with you to "a glorious resurrection in Christ".
    Warmest regards,
    Deborah in San Diego

  12. Anonymous on June 24, 2009 at 9:32 am

    Thank you for sharing Eliot's story. We had a son born in 2002 with truncus arteriosus (cardiac defect) and a 22q deletion. We knew he would die the day of his birth. We were blessed to discover his condition during my pregnancy (it was a twin pregnancy, and his twin Jack is now thriving with enough personality and spirit for 2 little boys!). We created a perinatal hospice to celebrate David's life while in utero and to plan his birth and death so that we could cherish each precious second we were able to share with him. I can honestly say, that, as a mom, I had the most profound privilege of celebrating with God as David was born, and weeping with Him as the veil between this world and the next was lifted and David died in my arms as i softly sang "Silent Night" to him. We need more parents sharing their stores like you — so people realize the incredible spirit there is in these kids — and how they change the world with their short lives. Thank you. I am very actively involved in perinatal hospice and special needs group, as my subsequent son, Robert, was born with Down Syndrome — if you ever want to network with someone in Minnesota. bjdjmom@comcast.net
    With hope, Chris Hesse-Withbroe

  13. Anonymous on June 24, 2009 at 10:55 am

    Saw you guys this morning on Today's Show. You all looked GREAT! I love that little angel of yours, she is so lovely and adorable! She does look a lot like her older brother. Wish the interview segment lasts a little longer 🙁
    Thank you again for reminding us how blessed we all are.

    San Jose, CA

  14. Joan Carr on June 24, 2009 at 10:59 am

    I just watched the today show clip online.I so enjoyed the documentation of Elliot's life. My daughter is pregnant with Johanna who is a full T18 baby and if she makes it to term she will be delivered in the middle of October 2009 sometime. They too because of their faith in the Lord would not entertain the thought of termination. Though difficult and heart wrenching God brings a peace and a joy through times of sorrow. And His ways are not our Ways, but His ways are always perfect.

    In Christ,
    Joan Carr

  15. Caroline on June 24, 2009 at 11:42 am

    I just saw read about your story at http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/31523463/ns/parenting_and_family/ (thanks to Dean Nance). What a beautiful story and testament to the love of parents!

  16. happylexi on June 24, 2009 at 12:03 pm

    I saw your story on the Today show this morning. I'm a live-in caregiver for a wonderful 12-year-old girl with full Trisomy 18, who's lived 12 years longer than expected so far! It's great to have exposure to Trisomy 18 on a national network. Thanks for valuing every day of life and sharing your story. Thanks too for turning your experience into support for other families with special needs children. You may be connected with it already, but SOFT (Support Organization for Trisomies) is a great national networking resource for people affected in any way by Trisomies, primarily 18 and 13, but other variations as well. God bless!

  17. Anonymous on June 24, 2009 at 1:26 pm

    I came in from work this morning and saw your interview before I went to bed. It brought on uncontrolable tears. I work daily to bring dignity and comfort to people with terminal illnesses. I celebrate lives lived daily. I am a nurse at a hospice inpaitent unit and I have recently cared for an infant. We received her with open arms when she was 5 weeks old. She went on to be with Eliot last week. She had 72 days in this world. At her funeral we released 72 balloons. I am so happy to see how you celebrated every day of Eliot's life. That was AWESOME! Thank you for sharing your story. It will help me in the future to help the parents of my patients.


  18. Anonymous on June 24, 2009 at 1:48 pm

    What a truely beautiful story. I have never blogged on one of these but your story touched me so much. I was have a down time right now and your story gave me a sweet blessing. Thank you Elliot for that!
    Patty Richards

  19. meloro6 on June 24, 2009 at 1:54 pm

    I saw you on the Today show,and was touched.My nephew Shawn was born with trisomy 13 this July 5 would be 9 years ago.The doctors gave him maybe 2 weeks-and after 30 times a day of stopping to breath and fighting his way back on Sept 2-just a few days short of 2 months old Shawn died.It was the most stressful,emotionally painful thing we as a family have gone through and at the same time I would'nt take back a minute we had to spend with him.The las time I saw Shawn I told him the we loved him and that it was okay for him to go-I just wanted him to be at peace.The following year Mark and his wife Tammy were pregnant again with another son Kaleb and after amnio found out that he as healthy-but at 7.5 months gestation Kaleb kept turning the same way in Tammy's belly and shut of his air supply.Nov 2,2001 Mark and tammy found out that Kaleb had died and on Nov 5th he was born.At KAlebs funeral I held him and told him that his older brother Shawn was waiting for him. Not long after kaleb's death Mark and Tammy got divoreced-the marriage couldn't take the grief.Tammy has since remarried and had a girl-our niece and my brothe Mark single,but just now can talk about the boys-he is still stuck in the stage of "angry".The boys truly were a gift from God and I wouldn't change a minute we got to spend with either of them.My husband and I and four children every year on the boys birthday send out to heaven the same amount of balloons that they are.So this July Shawn will get 9 balloons sent to heaven.My oldest Terren has always said that the boys are playing together with the balloons in heaven-so I would like to think that maybe your Eliot will be playing with them in heaven this year.After the boys died it made us realize how blessed we were to have 4 healthy beautiful children-I am happy you have been blessed again and have your daughter.May God always bless your family.

  20. actingqueen334 on June 24, 2009 at 4:51 pm

    Hello. I saw on the Today show when you came out of the building (I was the one waving like crazy and thanks for waving back, even Hazel tried to wave!) Today was the first time hearing you son's story and I found it very moving I was tearing while I was standing outside. But it was great seeing you guys.

    God bless your family ,

  21. Anonymous on June 24, 2009 at 5:50 pm

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful story. This evening I watched your taped segment from this morning's Today Show and walked away with uncontrollable tears. It made me want to pick up my little man and never let go.

    Your celebration of life is very admirable, and I hope you recognize that you are truly pillars of strength.

    How lucky your children are to have you as loving parents and role models. I'm certain Eliot would say the same…

  22. Randi on June 24, 2009 at 6:35 pm

    Nice job…Hazel is lovely. I am so proud of all 4 of you.

  23. Anonymous on June 24, 2009 at 7:58 pm

    I didn't know your story until this morning as I was getting dressed. I was watching the Today Show, which I never get a chance to watch. I heard your story and ran into the room and backed up the show to see all of it. I was mesmerized by the strength both of you had. I love your family for what you did for your son. Not many people could do such an ingenious thing so quickly and everyday for that long. I pray that if ever I'm faced with such tragedy, that I will see it as a triumph as well. Thank you for opening my eyes to doing what you have to for the ones you love.

  24. Lisa on June 25, 2009 at 7:25 am

    I saw your story and my stomach dropped. I taped it to share with my husband. We lost our little girl, Savannah, to Trisomy 18 after 42 days. At her funeral, we passed out forget me nots for friends and family to plant. Our stories are almost identical, except we did not know our daughter had this disorder before she was born. Watching her slowly pass away still haunts me. I miss her everyday! we too have a little spitfire at home. She is turning 2 this summer. Thanks for sharing! I feel that we are connected by our angels in Heaven.

  25. angelabarton on June 27, 2009 at 4:56 pm

    Randomly clicked on your blog again today and saw the post about The Today show. I looked you all up and watched the segment you all did on the show. It brought tears to my eyes. Nice to see you all and to see how big and beautiful Hazel is! I know we don't know each other, but your story is inspirational and I admire your courage, strength and your love for your children. I have one of Eliot's necklaces that you made, and many people have commented on it, and I tell them the story. Many, many blessings to you and your family!
    Angela Barton

  26. *pab on July 20, 2009 at 10:51 am

    Hello – I first heard of Eliot's story during your appearance on the Today Show. I have, and continue to, read your blog(s), and I am inspired by your faith, and your perspective. Thank you!