Praying for our friends

by Matt MooneyJuly 14, 2009

Our hearts go out to the Keirsey’s tonight. You may recall Avery’s information being posted on our blog recently. We took down the button from hesitation that going on the Today Show may inundate them with unsolicited attention. With that said, they assured us it was fine. Anyway, they are walking through the valley currently, so please feel free to encourage and pray for them.


  1. The Walkie Talkie on July 14, 2009 at 7:22 pm

    Thanks for sharing this request and will join you in praying for this family. Oh, the heart ache!

    -JB Walker

  2. Mommy_Of_YaDa on July 15, 2009 at 7:45 am

    Will continue praying for Avery's family. Avery and Eliot hold a dear place in my heart. They have forever changed my life. True blessings indeed.

  3. Anonymous on July 19, 2009 at 6:06 pm

    A coworker of mine sent me the 99balloons video over a year ago. I literally bawled my eyes out. As a mother of two (healthy) children ~ I related to every word you said in your video. I felt your pain, I understood your happiness, and held my children even closer. It made me thank God even more for the two gifts from him… and to not take it for granted. I truly admire you and your family… and fell in love with your family. Not to mention another coworker of mine had a child with Trisomy 18 (but did not know it until she delivered)… Max only lived 5 days.

    So… ever since them, I check in on your blog to see pictures of your daughter. I have watched the Oprah / Today show episodes… and there are times that I go back and watch the 99balloons video… and bawl again (just not as hard as the first). I guess it's a way for me to know that you found happiness again~b/c your experience is something I don't know myself could overcome.

    When I checked your blog one day I noticed the "Pray for Avery" button and clicked on it… and fell in love with Avery.

    I had never heard of CDH before… so I researched. I even found more blogs of more babies diagnosed with it. It was like this never ending circle. My husband wondered why in the world I would even keep reading about such things b/c I would come downstairs off the computer bawling telling him all of the stories I read about. I was hooked…

    I just don't understand how anyone could go through these experiences. I myself don't know if I could recover. I think of your situation ~ how you celebrated every day with Eliot. You got to take him home, take him places, cuddle him, bathe him, go for walks, kiss / hug on him… on the other hand the keirsey's never got to hold Avery until she was being taken off life support. They never got to take her home, go for walks, etc. It is so heartbreaking to learn of all this saddness. Maybe my husband is right, I should just not keep reading all the blogs about the sad news.

    I know you shouldn't questions God's plan…God is good, loving, caring, giving, truly wonderful… I just don't understand all of this. Maybe one day all these questions will be answered… in the meantime, what do I do?

  4. Brittany on July 20, 2009 at 12:55 pm

    Matt and Ginney, I am so inspired by you both. I saw Eliot's video on youtube a couple years ago and have been touched ever since. What a sweet boy you have!
    Congratulations on your little Hazel. What a blessing. She is precious!

Our hearts go out to the Keirsey’s tonight. You may recall Avery’s information being posted on our blog recently. We took down the button from hesitation that going on the Today Show may inundate them with unsolicited attention. With that said, they assured us it was fine. Anyway, they are walking through the valley currently, so please feel free to encourage and pray for them.


  1. The Walkie Talkie on July 14, 2009 at 7:22 pm

    Thanks for sharing this request and will join you in praying for this family. Oh, the heart ache!

    -JB Walker

  2. Mommy_Of_YaDa on July 15, 2009 at 7:45 am

    Will continue praying for Avery's family. Avery and Eliot hold a dear place in my heart. They have forever changed my life. True blessings indeed.

  3. Anonymous on July 19, 2009 at 6:06 pm

    A coworker of mine sent me the 99balloons video over a year ago. I literally bawled my eyes out. As a mother of two (healthy) children ~ I related to every word you said in your video. I felt your pain, I understood your happiness, and held my children even closer. It made me thank God even more for the two gifts from him… and to not take it for granted. I truly admire you and your family… and fell in love with your family. Not to mention another coworker of mine had a child with Trisomy 18 (but did not know it until she delivered)… Max only lived 5 days.

    So… ever since them, I check in on your blog to see pictures of your daughter. I have watched the Oprah / Today show episodes… and there are times that I go back and watch the 99balloons video… and bawl again (just not as hard as the first). I guess it's a way for me to know that you found happiness again~b/c your experience is something I don't know myself could overcome.

    When I checked your blog one day I noticed the "Pray for Avery" button and clicked on it… and fell in love with Avery.

    I had never heard of CDH before… so I researched. I even found more blogs of more babies diagnosed with it. It was like this never ending circle. My husband wondered why in the world I would even keep reading about such things b/c I would come downstairs off the computer bawling telling him all of the stories I read about. I was hooked…

    I just don't understand how anyone could go through these experiences. I myself don't know if I could recover. I think of your situation ~ how you celebrated every day with Eliot. You got to take him home, take him places, cuddle him, bathe him, go for walks, kiss / hug on him… on the other hand the keirsey's never got to hold Avery until she was being taken off life support. They never got to take her home, go for walks, etc. It is so heartbreaking to learn of all this saddness. Maybe my husband is right, I should just not keep reading all the blogs about the sad news.

    I know you shouldn't questions God's plan…God is good, loving, caring, giving, truly wonderful… I just don't understand all of this. Maybe one day all these questions will be answered… in the meantime, what do I do?

  4. Brittany on July 20, 2009 at 12:55 pm

    Matt and Ginney, I am so inspired by you both. I saw Eliot's video on youtube a couple years ago and have been touched ever since. What a sweet boy you have!
    Congratulations on your little Hazel. What a blessing. She is precious!