Month: September 2010

Month: September 2010

I am not the church

photo credit: Ž. Markevičius I am but a structure forged with beam, wood and plaster. the beautiful and the villainous sit within, side by side; sheep and wolf, dressed alike, and unable to be sifted by man. I am well-worn by the feet of children; oily and stained by the heads of the desperate- those unable to find a bed last night. Wet with the sweat of saints toiling to turn the tide. I am loud, thunderous claps and rhythmic sways, signaling things to come. Holy pauses turning inward to remember. Bread and wine and ancient words are my offerings….


33 is the new 20

photo credit: StewBl@ck My wife has been ranting and raving all week long about me.  I would like to pretend that this is status quo around my house, but a week of being who she should be is a start.  We have gone out to eat more times in the last week than the prior four cumulative; each meal geared toward illuminating the fact that she thinks I am worth celebrating.  I have feigned sheepish humility while shoveling in rare portions of catfish, sushi and gyros while washing it all done with unrepentant swigs of Coke (“soda” for you unlucky…


The pages I flip

Not too long ago, I posted about my favorite genre of books & some friends I’ve found therein.  I got some wonderful suggestions via comments, and have already enjoyed Steinbeck & Walls, as well as recently beginning Walking on Water by Madeleine L’Engle- a suggestion from a well-read friend of ours, Hillary.  L’engle is best known for her work with children’s fiction including A Wrinkle in Time.  I do intend on tackling all of the “commentor’s suggested reading list”- these merely represent the ones I have located.  For some reason, I don’t order things often; I like to find them….


I'm up to a 15 minute jog

photo credit: aithom2 I am not sure when I physically peaked- although it must have been around the time I bench pressed the bar, sans weight, in 7th grade- but I do know that I have been in my own personal, physical valley for the last couple months.  Having bounced back from a recent bout of pneumonia with the thumping reaction of a Play-Doh ball, I have found myself sucking air as if it weren’t around, every time I ventured out with my Nikes on.  Don’t get me wrong, I’ve never pretended to enjoy jogging- only doing it because the…


an update. a list. and a reach.

I have been holed away in my new- bland but beautiful- office searching for great works with special needs kids here in the states and abroad. I thought I would share a couple of the ones I have connected with, for you to check out: Nathaniel’s Hope (Orlando) Miriam Center (Haiti) Maria’s Big House of Hope (China) Anders has taken to sleeping through the night. Hazel is talking in sentences and picking up new words constantly. Ginny is making jewelry and entertaining ridiculous notions of Alabama beating Arkansas in a couple of weeks. I am maturely calling the hogs while…


with every season

A follow up report on the bottle. Good news: Anders is happily taking a bottle now. Bad news: as children often do, there is no logical reason why he switched teams from haters to takers. Thus, we are thrilled, but anyone desperate for helpful hints or tips must look elsewhere. Thanks still to all who offered help. Tomorrow is a welcomed occasion at the Mooney house as football season is upon us. We live in the shadow of Razorback stadium, wake up to ESPN Gameday, and bicker constantly about Arkansas vs. Alabama. Ginny dresses the kids in Alabama gear while…


I am not the church

By Matt Mooney | September 20, 2010

photo credit: Ž. Markevičius I am but a structure forged with beam, wood and plaster. the beautiful and the villainous sit within, side by side; sheep and wolf, dressed alike, and unable to be sifted by man. I am well-worn by the feet of children; oily and stained by the heads of the desperate- those…

33 is the new 20

By Matt Mooney | September 17, 2010

photo credit: StewBl@ck My wife has been ranting and raving all week long about me.  I would like to pretend that this is status quo around my house, but a week of being who she should be is a start.  We have gone out to eat more times in the last week than the prior…

The pages I flip

By Matt Mooney | September 17, 2010

Not too long ago, I posted about my favorite genre of books & some friends I’ve found therein.  I got some wonderful suggestions via comments, and have already enjoyed Steinbeck & Walls, as well as recently beginning Walking on Water by Madeleine L’Engle- a suggestion from a well-read friend of ours, Hillary.  L’engle is best…

I'm up to a 15 minute jog

By Matt Mooney | September 16, 2010

photo credit: aithom2 I am not sure when I physically peaked- although it must have been around the time I bench pressed the bar, sans weight, in 7th grade- but I do know that I have been in my own personal, physical valley for the last couple months.  Having bounced back from a recent bout…

an update. a list. and a reach.

By Matt Mooney | September 15, 2010

I have been holed away in my new- bland but beautiful- office searching for great works with special needs kids here in the states and abroad. I thought I would share a couple of the ones I have connected with, for you to check out: Nathaniel’s Hope (Orlando) Miriam Center (Haiti) Maria’s Big House of…

with every season

By Matt Mooney | September 3, 2010

A follow up report on the bottle. Good news: Anders is happily taking a bottle now. Bad news: as children often do, there is no logical reason why he switched teams from haters to takers. Thus, we are thrilled, but anyone desperate for helpful hints or tips must look elsewhere. Thanks still to all who…