Month: February 2011

Month: February 2011

Gone Camping

photo credit: phlubdr It was a great, busy week in the Mooney family.  Hazel made it through strep throat, while Anders scratched his eye- as in scratched his eyeball.  Everyone is now fine, and we’re inching back to a more normal quota of whining.  I was able to share Eliot’s story with a Young Life college group on the U of A campus as well as road trip it over to Stillwater, OK to meet with some folks about starting their own rEcess.  This is something I am getting to do more & more of, and I have to say,…


dear self, put on the Big Boy pants

photo credit: ndanger As the days remaining until Idea Camp head into the single digits, and the temperatures rise- leaving carrots where snowmen once stood, my mind has been plowing over and over the thoughts on these coming days.  And allow me, if you will, to traipse away from toeing the line for just a bit.  Because, to be honest, I am not sure, just yet, whether I am excited about this gathering or not. It’s not the topic: working for 99 Balloons, I am so honored to be a small voice championing the cause of special needs orphans at…


trying to live by my own advice

photo credit: deargdoom57 Ginny & I love getting emails from people who have heard our story or been to the blog or accidentally found themselves here when they were meaning to google the band- Mooney Suzuki. Whatever the route, we love hearing from folks (well, most folks).  I received this letter this week from a guy we’ll call “Zack”.  His inquiry was interesting enough, but it just so happened that I had been thinking much myself about the particular question of how to make decisions and move forward.  It is always tough for me.  Here’s our back & forth.  Would…


snow in the Ozarks

Since Ginny left me for another blog, I’ve been working on retooling some things around here.  Recently added a new about page.  Check it out if you so desire, and let me know what you think; it was not an easy task to quickly convey shifts that last a lifetime. Please read the following in your best Garrison Keillor voice.  If you don’t know who that is, I propose you should. The ice settled in for a nap, and the snow followed suite, dog piling on top. Fayetteville is a lot prettier & a bit slower when the flakes fall…


Gone Camping

By Matt Mooney | February 24, 2011

photo credit: phlubdr It was a great, busy week in the Mooney family.  Hazel made it through strep throat, while Anders scratched his eye- as in scratched his eyeball.  Everyone is now fine, and we’re inching back to a more normal quota of whining.  I was able to share Eliot’s story with a Young Life…

dear self, put on the Big Boy pants

By Matt Mooney | February 15, 2011

photo credit: ndanger As the days remaining until Idea Camp head into the single digits, and the temperatures rise- leaving carrots where snowmen once stood, my mind has been plowing over and over the thoughts on these coming days.  And allow me, if you will, to traipse away from toeing the line for just a…

trying to live by my own advice

By Matt Mooney | February 8, 2011

photo credit: deargdoom57 Ginny & I love getting emails from people who have heard our story or been to the blog or accidentally found themselves here when they were meaning to google the band- Mooney Suzuki. Whatever the route, we love hearing from folks (well, most folks).  I received this letter this week from a…

snow in the Ozarks

By Matt Mooney | February 2, 2011

Since Ginny left me for another blog, I’ve been working on retooling some things around here.  Recently added a new about page.  Check it out if you so desire, and let me know what you think; it was not an easy task to quickly convey shifts that last a lifetime. Please read the following in…