Month: September 2012

Month: September 2012

For the ones that don't know

Dublin was busy and beautiful, and I can say that I really do love my family more than I love to travel.  But it was great, and I was honored to speak on cultivating a culture of life as well as the worth of each and every individual. I had a brief conversation this week that brought an old-friend-of-an-idea back into my mind.  The blip that came upon the radar screen known as my brain was a familiar notion that everyone seems to have a plan and everyone seems to know what it is they are doing- both now &…


4 for friends

Blogging has not been on the radar the last few days.  Fall is shaping up to be a bit wild.  Well, that is an understatement.  Great things on the calendar in days ahead- a lot of them.  It’s a pet peave of mine when people tell me how busy they are: One, we’re only as busy as we want to be.  Two, am I supposed to be saddened or impressed? Thus, I will not subject you to the very thing I despise. Here’s a list of the latest: #1 I am headed to Ireland on Monday.  I will be in…


For the ones that don't know

By Matt Mooney | September 25, 2012

Dublin was busy and beautiful, and I can say that I really do love my family more than I love to travel.  But it was great, and I was honored to speak on cultivating a culture of life as well as the worth of each and every individual. I had a brief conversation this week…

4 for friends

By Matt Mooney | September 13, 2012

Blogging has not been on the radar the last few days.  Fall is shaping up to be a bit wild.  Well, that is an understatement.  Great things on the calendar in days ahead- a lot of them.  It’s a pet peave of mine when people tell me how busy they are: One, we’re only as…