Month: January 2014

Month: January 2014


It’s been 3 weeks since I checked in.  Let’s be honest; who cares.  I so appreciate those of you who read my thoughts on here (more often my pre-thoughts, which has been dangerous, but fun).  After my last post encouraging folks to join me by entering into the discipline of writing this year…I decided to attempt to create a little, online community of folks who would write together for 8 weeks.  I seriously hoped for 8 people- which, for reasons unknown, seemed the right number to me.  8 human- 8 weeks. I received positive responses from over 50 folks and…


my New Year's resolution for you

I am a verbal processor. As far as I can tell, this means I need people to sit and listen to my ideas in order for me to actually have any. To be honest, often I don’t need their feedback (though in my adulthood I have learned to pretend as such, cause no one likes a one-sided conversation; that is except for me when I am on the one side).  I mean I don’t necessarily like this about myself, folks, but this doesn’t make it any less true. I need another’s ear to have a brain. As one can imagine,…



By Matt Mooney | January 24, 2014

It’s been 3 weeks since I checked in.  Let’s be honest; who cares.  I so appreciate those of you who read my thoughts on here (more often my pre-thoughts, which has been dangerous, but fun).  After my last post encouraging folks to join me by entering into the discipline of writing this year…I decided to…

my New Year's resolution for you

By Matt Mooney | January 3, 2014

I am a verbal processor. As far as I can tell, this means I need people to sit and listen to my ideas in order for me to actually have any. To be honest, often I don’t need their feedback (though in my adulthood I have learned to pretend as such, cause no one likes…