beautiful things

by Matt MooneyJuly 11, 2010

still heavy on the drugs, rest, and fluids.  but I can feel some life creeping back in.  found this somewhere in my time on the couch and thought it expressed a longing we hope in.


  1. Heather on July 12, 2010 at 9:50 am

    Sorry you are still under the weather, but you couldn’t have picked a better place to be sick!
    .-= Heather´s last blog ..Lots of Layouts =-.

still heavy on the drugs, rest, and fluids.  but I can feel some life creeping back in.  found this somewhere in my time on the couch and thought it expressed a longing we hope in.


  1. Heather on July 12, 2010 at 9:50 am

    Sorry you are still under the weather, but you couldn’t have picked a better place to be sick!
    .-= Heather´s last blog ..Lots of Layouts =-.