awaiting Thursday

by Matt MooneyJune 21, 2011

Next Stop
Creative Commons License photo credit: Artsy Aubs

Thanks to all of you who have encouraged us, said a prayer, let us borrow your stroller, your luggage or are helping us hatch a plan for the rascals if -and hopefully when- we head eastward and return with our daughter.  It has been a whirlwind as we have spent the week planning for a trip- with no departure dates and no actual certainty that it will occur.  But if we get word of an appointment, we’ll be leaving like then, so we’ve been scheming.  Here’s the scoop as we know it; although, swallow it only with a grain of salt, as what we do know is but a speck and the speck seems to shift in an opposite direction with just an email from over there.

Our facilitator has trekked to Kiev for meetings with the SDA- which is where adoptions are processed until it changes to a new department in July.  We are hoping and praying to submit our dossier and get an appointment date before this switch occurs.  The great news is that the dossier is being submitted on Thursday between 10-11am in Ukraine.  This is huge and many stars have had to line up for this to be possible.  Our hope for Thursday is for a date to go over, and, if our hopes are realized, bring on the craziness- cause it will most likely be days before departure.


Some have inquired as to how they could help us with the costs.  The Titus Task– an organization we love here in Northwest Arkansas- has been kind enough to set up a matching grant for $2,500.  So, every dollar donated is actually 2.  All donations will go straight to our expenses and are tax deductible.  Here’s the link.

By the way, I had promised progress pics of addition to our house, but Ginny beat me to it.  It has been fun to see the space come together, but better yet to imagine the happenings that will occupy it.


We’ll keep you posted as we know; prayers are welcomed.


  1. Scotty O'Cable on June 21, 2011 at 4:28 pm

    Hey man, we will be praying for you all… miss talking to you guys!

    scott and donna

  2. Betsy on June 23, 2011 at 1:19 pm

    Praying for your family & waiting for a positive update.

Next Stop
Creative Commons License photo credit: Artsy Aubs

Thanks to all of you who have encouraged us, said a prayer, let us borrow your stroller, your luggage or are helping us hatch a plan for the rascals if -and hopefully when- we head eastward and return with our daughter.  It has been a whirlwind as we have spent the week planning for a trip- with no departure dates and no actual certainty that it will occur.  But if we get word of an appointment, we’ll be leaving like then, so we’ve been scheming.  Here’s the scoop as we know it; although, swallow it only with a grain of salt, as what we do know is but a speck and the speck seems to shift in an opposite direction with just an email from over there.

Our facilitator has trekked to Kiev for meetings with the SDA- which is where adoptions are processed until it changes to a new department in July.  We are hoping and praying to submit our dossier and get an appointment date before this switch occurs.  The great news is that the dossier is being submitted on Thursday between 10-11am in Ukraine.  This is huge and many stars have had to line up for this to be possible.  Our hope for Thursday is for a date to go over, and, if our hopes are realized, bring on the craziness- cause it will most likely be days before departure.


Some have inquired as to how they could help us with the costs.  The Titus Task– an organization we love here in Northwest Arkansas- has been kind enough to set up a matching grant for $2,500.  So, every dollar donated is actually 2.  All donations will go straight to our expenses and are tax deductible.  Here’s the link.

By the way, I had promised progress pics of addition to our house, but Ginny beat me to it.  It has been fun to see the space come together, but better yet to imagine the happenings that will occupy it.


We’ll keep you posted as we know; prayers are welcomed.


  1. Scotty O'Cable on June 21, 2011 at 4:28 pm

    Hey man, we will be praying for you all… miss talking to you guys!

    scott and donna

  2. Betsy on June 23, 2011 at 1:19 pm

    Praying for your family & waiting for a positive update.