Random Christmas-ness

by Matt MooneyDecember 17, 2010

Christmas ♥

Creative Commons License photo credit: Alëx {k-kinda busy? like Fede.}

There are a couple of upcoming events that I wanted to let you know about.  There here so give ’em a look-see.  I’ll be blogging soon about the Idea Camp coming to Arkansas.

Ginny & I had such fun in New York.  Great food, conversation and city strolling.  I lost my Iphone on the trip, but we’re not gonna talk about it.  Thanks for all of the recommendations, we tried as many out as we were able & particularly enjoyed an evening at Eataly.  I never tire of seeing her smile and she did so often on this trip.  It was a great reminder how important, yet easily neglected, vacation is for a marriage.  We were both ready for rascals, and that is precisely half the point.

The Mooney clan will be loading up the Outback and heading to Lake Providence, Louisiana for a Christmas full of gumbo and duck hunting.  Most likely, I’ll be holding a camera instead of a gun, but I count it nonetheless.  Feel free to place your bets on how long it takes the four of us to get there; if it were just Ginny & I, it would be approximately six hours, but with the rascals, I have a feeling we’ll both be jonesing for a smoke break.  It’s been years since either of us smoked anything, but any excuse to break away from the screams I am anticipating may be too enticing.  Seriously ya’ll, it’s gonna be interesting.  Anders is getting top teeth to match the bottom two that currently jut out all alone in his mouth.  Hazel is….well, Hazel.  So you never know how that’s gonna go.  She possesses the power to make or break the whole trip for everyone involved.  On most any given day, I can be caught apologizing to Anders under my breath- head held low- saying some refrain about how, “the squeaky wheel gets the grease”.

I don’t know if it’s the youthful tinge of Christmas or what, but I have been reflecting on this quite a bit lately:
And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. (matthew 18:3).

I would love to hear your first thoughts or impressions upon reading that little verse via the comments. What in the world does it mean?  I think I’ll blog soon on it if I am able, but first I would love some feedback.  In fact, I am constantly asking for feedback because I long for their to be some sort of community going on with this blog instead of a one-way soapbox kind of thing.  So, secondly, let me know if you have any creative ideas for ways to encourage feedback.

The fact is, I can see how many people come by and I can see how many people respond, and apparently I am quite pathetic at encouraging folks to let their own voices be heard.  With the guilt trip laid out there, feel free to come and go as you please, but do know that, at any point, your involvement is desired.  I prefer conversations to sermons.

Merry Christmas to you and yours.  I hope it is a special time for you in this week to come.  I hope in the hustle bustle consumer craziness, we both get to pause and thank God for sending His Son in the form of a baby that we might know his unconditional love for us all.  Whether young or old.  Enduring loss or celebrating new arrivals.  Calling them yams or sweet potatoes.  Merry Christmas everyone.


  1. Stacy on December 17, 2010 at 5:16 pm

    I know the feeling, but to answer your question. . . Hope without cynicism, wonder at the mystery without searching for a plausible explanation, total release into the joy without self awareness, freedom to receive without guilt at being undeserving, fully at peace knowing the one who loves us most has us in His hand.

  2. Sarah on December 17, 2010 at 7:49 pm

    I think our children have very similar personalities!! Hilarious!!
    So glad NYC was fun! Ginny is the best!!

    As for the verse, I love watching our kids talking to our unsaved family members. Our kids have no idea what “fear of man” is, therefore speak very openly about the Lord. It’s both precious and convicting!! I love my kids’ faith and this verse comes alive as they get older!!

  3. Debi Batchelor on December 17, 2010 at 9:11 pm

    Matt, I guess it’s time to figure out how to comment and let you know that I love your blog!!! I check it daily and I always get a giggle when you write. Wow! For those of you who, like me, think commenting is a big involved process, it’s really easy. Now I forgot the question. . .oh, yes, “change and become like little children. . .”. The older I get, the more I realize my utter dependence on Him, and I think He totally is ok with that. I love all the things He does for me that I can’t do for myself, such as washing me clean, etc. I see a lot of myself in Hazel. Guess I’m a squeaky wheel, too. I’m eager to read the other comments.

  4. Cary on December 18, 2010 at 1:52 am

    For me, it’s all about WONDER. I love that word, and I think it’s so rare in adults and is so wonderful about children. I think we are called to view God with wonder. Which causes reverence, excitement, love…
    It’s so easy to see the wonder of children at Christmastime. One of my favorite things about the holidays!

  5. Sarah T on December 18, 2010 at 11:03 am

    Matt and Ginny-
    I have been lurking around your blog for nearly 4? years….I am SO sorry that I don’t ever “talk” to ya’ll!! 🙂 But I love to visit and read your eloquently written take on life as a married christian parent!!! You convey “it” SO well! It makes me laugh and sometimes sigh. But as a whole it allows me as a stay at home, homeschooling momma to feel that I am totally normal for ALL my emotions!!!

    Alright that said you asked about a scripture that incidentally has been a lesson that my sweet Jesus has been showing me over that course of the last few years….I am a slow learner. Anyhoo, this is what my finite mind has gleaned from Him–children trust and believe what we(the parent, the teacher, whoever they hold in awe(hopefully that is the parent)) tell and teach them without abandon. We are called to serve and believe Yahweh in exactly the same manner, without ANY hesitations on our part. Esentially, we should just jump, not ask why. There. That is my take and what I have learned because I asked Him what it meant! 🙂

    I hope that you are all well! May God continue to bless you! AND Merry Christmas!

    Sincerely a sister in Christ Jesus,
    Sarah T

  6. Kelsey on December 18, 2010 at 6:27 pm

    Little children don’t fear. They don’t worry. They don’t have concerns about anything. They trust that they will be taken care off and love without abandon, not fearing if they will be hurt or wondering what the future holds. Thats the kind of faith I’m looking for, and that’s the kind of faith that children have.

  7. Rachel on December 18, 2010 at 8:23 pm

    When I read this verse, I look at my own children and see how accepting they are of other people. They may be curious about the differences they see in others, but they are not prejudiced. All people have value in their eyes. They are also very honest in everything that they do. When they are hurting, sad, excited, etc… everyone knows it. They approach all situations with curiosity, openness and honesty. When they see someone that is hurting, they don’t turn the other way, they desperately want to help. There are, of course, the fights with siblings and friends and tantrums, etc.. but overall, I think children behave much more like Jesus than adults. If we could all model this behavior, what a wonderful world it would be.

  8. Kim on December 18, 2010 at 8:37 pm

    I think it’s about believing in things that you don’t understand, because you trust the person that’s telling you about it. You trust that they have all the answers.

    • Matt on December 20, 2010 at 9:30 am

      Thanks for the feedback, I have really enjoyed it: curious without prejudice, trust, hope without cynicism, WONDER….and so much more.
      It feels a little like a conversation….thru a box, but I’ll take it.

  9. Heather on December 20, 2010 at 4:34 pm

    Hope that you all made it to your destination in a single digit time frame. We’ve done long car trips with our three before, and a seven hour drive has taken 13 before…yuck what a nightmare. Hopefully that wasn’t the case with you guys.

    That verse says to me quite a bit, and it’s actually something that I’ve thought about a lot. My take on it is that the way to enter heaven means being completely dependent on another, that it is through no means of our own. The only way we’ll approach His throne is to simply follow Him. Just as a child depends on a parent for their ability to exist on this earth without even realizing it, we must completely depend on our Father to exist with Him for eternity without fully realizing why.

  10. Kat & Clint Honnoll on December 21, 2010 at 9:04 pm

    I love reading your blog because it makes me stop and think. You are so good at tying everything together, and helping me to remember that we are spiritual beings, and despite the laundry/dishes/tantrums/time-outs/pressure/stress/craziness of raising little ones, there is still something more important that needs to be done on a daily basis, and that is prayer and quiet time with our maker.
    I agree with several comments already mentioned, especially the one that said the verse is like us depending on God like a child depends on a parent. I think that’s the way faith should be, a free-fall into his arms, knowing- without a doubt and without any hesitation- He will catch us.

  11. Alison on December 31, 2010 at 11:40 pm

    All ya had to do was ask, right? I like what “Kim” said. I think God gets a little tired of proving Himself. Kids believe what you tell them. If you tell them Santa won’t come and eat the cookies and leave them presents if they are naughty, they believe you! God wants us to believe that what He IS, says, and does, is truth. To believe He is big enough. To Believe He IS enough.

    And I do. And partly I learned that from you, Matt Mooney, and you, Ginny, and from sweet Eliot. Because, much like a child, I don’t understand everything God says, but I believe Him. And I trust Him! Happy New Year to you and yours!

  12. Alex on January 1, 2011 at 8:47 pm

    Yay! My picture! 🙂

  13. Jory on August 4, 2011 at 3:55 pm

    I was so confused about what to buy, but this makes it udnerstandbale.

Christmas ♥

Creative Commons License photo credit: Alëx {k-kinda busy? like Fede.}

There are a couple of upcoming events that I wanted to let you know about.  There here so give ’em a look-see.  I’ll be blogging soon about the Idea Camp coming to Arkansas.

Ginny & I had such fun in New York.  Great food, conversation and city strolling.  I lost my Iphone on the trip, but we’re not gonna talk about it.  Thanks for all of the recommendations, we tried as many out as we were able & particularly enjoyed an evening at Eataly.  I never tire of seeing her smile and she did so often on this trip.  It was a great reminder how important, yet easily neglected, vacation is for a marriage.  We were both ready for rascals, and that is precisely half the point.

The Mooney clan will be loading up the Outback and heading to Lake Providence, Louisiana for a Christmas full of gumbo and duck hunting.  Most likely, I’ll be holding a camera instead of a gun, but I count it nonetheless.  Feel free to place your bets on how long it takes the four of us to get there; if it were just Ginny & I, it would be approximately six hours, but with the rascals, I have a feeling we’ll both be jonesing for a smoke break.  It’s been years since either of us smoked anything, but any excuse to break away from the screams I am anticipating may be too enticing.  Seriously ya’ll, it’s gonna be interesting.  Anders is getting top teeth to match the bottom two that currently jut out all alone in his mouth.  Hazel is….well, Hazel.  So you never know how that’s gonna go.  She possesses the power to make or break the whole trip for everyone involved.  On most any given day, I can be caught apologizing to Anders under my breath- head held low- saying some refrain about how, “the squeaky wheel gets the grease”.

I don’t know if it’s the youthful tinge of Christmas or what, but I have been reflecting on this quite a bit lately:
And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. (matthew 18:3).

I would love to hear your first thoughts or impressions upon reading that little verse via the comments. What in the world does it mean?  I think I’ll blog soon on it if I am able, but first I would love some feedback.  In fact, I am constantly asking for feedback because I long for their to be some sort of community going on with this blog instead of a one-way soapbox kind of thing.  So, secondly, let me know if you have any creative ideas for ways to encourage feedback.

The fact is, I can see how many people come by and I can see how many people respond, and apparently I am quite pathetic at encouraging folks to let their own voices be heard.  With the guilt trip laid out there, feel free to come and go as you please, but do know that, at any point, your involvement is desired.  I prefer conversations to sermons.

Merry Christmas to you and yours.  I hope it is a special time for you in this week to come.  I hope in the hustle bustle consumer craziness, we both get to pause and thank God for sending His Son in the form of a baby that we might know his unconditional love for us all.  Whether young or old.  Enduring loss or celebrating new arrivals.  Calling them yams or sweet potatoes.  Merry Christmas everyone.


  1. Stacy on December 17, 2010 at 5:16 pm

    I know the feeling, but to answer your question. . . Hope without cynicism, wonder at the mystery without searching for a plausible explanation, total release into the joy without self awareness, freedom to receive without guilt at being undeserving, fully at peace knowing the one who loves us most has us in His hand.

  2. Sarah on December 17, 2010 at 7:49 pm

    I think our children have very similar personalities!! Hilarious!!
    So glad NYC was fun! Ginny is the best!!

    As for the verse, I love watching our kids talking to our unsaved family members. Our kids have no idea what “fear of man” is, therefore speak very openly about the Lord. It’s both precious and convicting!! I love my kids’ faith and this verse comes alive as they get older!!

  3. Debi Batchelor on December 17, 2010 at 9:11 pm

    Matt, I guess it’s time to figure out how to comment and let you know that I love your blog!!! I check it daily and I always get a giggle when you write. Wow! For those of you who, like me, think commenting is a big involved process, it’s really easy. Now I forgot the question. . .oh, yes, “change and become like little children. . .”. The older I get, the more I realize my utter dependence on Him, and I think He totally is ok with that. I love all the things He does for me that I can’t do for myself, such as washing me clean, etc. I see a lot of myself in Hazel. Guess I’m a squeaky wheel, too. I’m eager to read the other comments.

  4. Cary on December 18, 2010 at 1:52 am

    For me, it’s all about WONDER. I love that word, and I think it’s so rare in adults and is so wonderful about children. I think we are called to view God with wonder. Which causes reverence, excitement, love…
    It’s so easy to see the wonder of children at Christmastime. One of my favorite things about the holidays!

  5. Sarah T on December 18, 2010 at 11:03 am

    Matt and Ginny-
    I have been lurking around your blog for nearly 4? years….I am SO sorry that I don’t ever “talk” to ya’ll!! 🙂 But I love to visit and read your eloquently written take on life as a married christian parent!!! You convey “it” SO well! It makes me laugh and sometimes sigh. But as a whole it allows me as a stay at home, homeschooling momma to feel that I am totally normal for ALL my emotions!!!

    Alright that said you asked about a scripture that incidentally has been a lesson that my sweet Jesus has been showing me over that course of the last few years….I am a slow learner. Anyhoo, this is what my finite mind has gleaned from Him–children trust and believe what we(the parent, the teacher, whoever they hold in awe(hopefully that is the parent)) tell and teach them without abandon. We are called to serve and believe Yahweh in exactly the same manner, without ANY hesitations on our part. Esentially, we should just jump, not ask why. There. That is my take and what I have learned because I asked Him what it meant! 🙂

    I hope that you are all well! May God continue to bless you! AND Merry Christmas!

    Sincerely a sister in Christ Jesus,
    Sarah T

  6. Kelsey on December 18, 2010 at 6:27 pm

    Little children don’t fear. They don’t worry. They don’t have concerns about anything. They trust that they will be taken care off and love without abandon, not fearing if they will be hurt or wondering what the future holds. Thats the kind of faith I’m looking for, and that’s the kind of faith that children have.

  7. Rachel on December 18, 2010 at 8:23 pm

    When I read this verse, I look at my own children and see how accepting they are of other people. They may be curious about the differences they see in others, but they are not prejudiced. All people have value in their eyes. They are also very honest in everything that they do. When they are hurting, sad, excited, etc… everyone knows it. They approach all situations with curiosity, openness and honesty. When they see someone that is hurting, they don’t turn the other way, they desperately want to help. There are, of course, the fights with siblings and friends and tantrums, etc.. but overall, I think children behave much more like Jesus than adults. If we could all model this behavior, what a wonderful world it would be.

  8. Kim on December 18, 2010 at 8:37 pm

    I think it’s about believing in things that you don’t understand, because you trust the person that’s telling you about it. You trust that they have all the answers.

    • Matt on December 20, 2010 at 9:30 am

      Thanks for the feedback, I have really enjoyed it: curious without prejudice, trust, hope without cynicism, WONDER….and so much more.
      It feels a little like a conversation….thru a box, but I’ll take it.

  9. Heather on December 20, 2010 at 4:34 pm

    Hope that you all made it to your destination in a single digit time frame. We’ve done long car trips with our three before, and a seven hour drive has taken 13 before…yuck what a nightmare. Hopefully that wasn’t the case with you guys.

    That verse says to me quite a bit, and it’s actually something that I’ve thought about a lot. My take on it is that the way to enter heaven means being completely dependent on another, that it is through no means of our own. The only way we’ll approach His throne is to simply follow Him. Just as a child depends on a parent for their ability to exist on this earth without even realizing it, we must completely depend on our Father to exist with Him for eternity without fully realizing why.

  10. Kat & Clint Honnoll on December 21, 2010 at 9:04 pm

    I love reading your blog because it makes me stop and think. You are so good at tying everything together, and helping me to remember that we are spiritual beings, and despite the laundry/dishes/tantrums/time-outs/pressure/stress/craziness of raising little ones, there is still something more important that needs to be done on a daily basis, and that is prayer and quiet time with our maker.
    I agree with several comments already mentioned, especially the one that said the verse is like us depending on God like a child depends on a parent. I think that’s the way faith should be, a free-fall into his arms, knowing- without a doubt and without any hesitation- He will catch us.

  11. Alison on December 31, 2010 at 11:40 pm

    All ya had to do was ask, right? I like what “Kim” said. I think God gets a little tired of proving Himself. Kids believe what you tell them. If you tell them Santa won’t come and eat the cookies and leave them presents if they are naughty, they believe you! God wants us to believe that what He IS, says, and does, is truth. To believe He is big enough. To Believe He IS enough.

    And I do. And partly I learned that from you, Matt Mooney, and you, Ginny, and from sweet Eliot. Because, much like a child, I don’t understand everything God says, but I believe Him. And I trust Him! Happy New Year to you and yours!

  12. Alex on January 1, 2011 at 8:47 pm

    Yay! My picture! 🙂

  13. Jory on August 4, 2011 at 3:55 pm

    I was so confused about what to buy, but this makes it udnerstandbale.